Running OS X applications from the terminal (remotely)

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B.A. Economics (Hon)
I would like to be able to login to my OS X with SSH, and run finder applicaitons remotely. For example, AppleScript has the "tell application app_name to activate" directive. Does such a thing exist under Darwin.

For example, I want to be able to login to my comp, use top and see what's going on, and start say remotely when I notice the CPU is down to like 2% usage.

Killing processes is easy enough though... :)
when you are remotely logged in, type
open -a /Applications/

this will run your finder applications. it will only work if you are logged in to the aqua login manager with the same user as ssh
Hmm. That's a start, but if you're logged in remotely you can't do much other than start an app, or kill it. I'd like to actually see the display on my computer, XWin style.

Ah well, can't have it all...
as far as i know, aqua has nothing near the flexibility of X, with the client-server relationship between you machine and its display. so now gui over the network. sure would be nice though. i wonder if perhaps apple could have built aqua on top of some X11 release. oh well.
Awesome it seems to work locally, so I'm going to assume that it will work over the network. I assume your caveat refers to my being logged in as gwailo locally when I login remotely as gwailo (and not some other user)?


And for something like only running applications and no interacting, it doesn't affect me too much because I only want to start/stop them, not interact. But you're right, XWindows being able to display output across network is useful, but probably wouldn't work really well over a WAN.