Running Unix apps in OS X?


Ok I really need to take a step back here. i want to learn how to install and run linux/unix apps on my G4. I know about Fink, but that does not seem to work for me. Is there away to install and run these apps without Fink? Please keep in mind that I am completely new to OS X, and have limited knowledge of Linux/Unix. I would like to start from the ground up. I do have Xfree86 install already. So to keep it simple I would like to focus on Gaim. I think once I get one install and working I should be able to stumble through others. So any FAQ or web resource I should start at please let me know. Thanks for the help!

Fink makes the process of installing Unix applications easier than the manual method. If you are having trouble with Fink, I would suggest checking the Fink documentation for help. I'd also suggest trying the FinkCommander program, which puts a GUI front end on Fink to make it a bit more comfortable for those of us who aren't Unix wizards.
Also, I think you might need to install the Apple Developer's Tools in order to get the compilers and so on.