S-Video on Radeon 8500 and FCP question


Forgive the dumb newbie question, but I want to use a TV to preview my video with Final Cut Pro. I assume the S-Video out from my Radeon 8500 will let me do this, but just how does FCP, the computer and/or the card "know" what to do with this output jack? Is there anything I need to do with my system or FCP to get this to work or is it just magical! :)

Also, the only TV I can use right now does not have S-Video ins. I notice lots of people make S-Video to composite (yellow RCA video jack) adapters. Will this work as well?

Thanks in advance!
P.S. ATI has some instructions on using system preferences to turn on Mac2TV, but there are a few things that scare me (see: http://www.ati.com:80/support/infobase/3812.html)

Monitors which do not support the 60 Hz vertical refresh rate required by video equipment may be damaged when Mac2TV is enabled. Turning off your monitor display is a safety feature, protecting your monitor from any potential damage._ If you are uncertain whether your monitor supports the necessary refresh rate select an NTSC or PAL mode rather than Simulscan.

However, if I chose NTSC or PAL, it will shut off my monitors (or both since I have 2). If I choose Simulscan it will not (this is what I want). My monitors are both Hitachi SuperScan 776 - 19" and I'm not sure how I can find out if they "support the 60 Hz vertical refresh rate."

Currently they are running at 75 Hz (the recommended rate in system prefs, but I imagine this has no way of knowing the monitor - just the 8500 card). The last thing I need now is to blow up two 19" monitors! Any help would be appreciated - maybe I am worrying too much, but I guess it is better to be safe than sorry.