Safari and centering...

Seems centered to me using Safari, horizontally. Vertically, there's a bit more room at the top than the bottom.
What are all the extra td's for if they don't contain anything? If you want to leave them blank at least put a   in them so they do something. Or get rid of them.
Not sure why they are there (I think the old IE or Netscape did something with it and if they were empty it didn't read that cell, old code I just reuse for centering things), but has no effect if I take them out, tried it, and still off center in Safari, so I left the server version alone.

I see other sites not having this problem, I guess it's time to update my code. I wish i kept track of why I left those tags, comments are great when you use them. All i know it looks fine in all other browsers and now i need to retest once i change the code.
Thanks for the help, works in Safari and others in X, now i need to find a few older browsers in9 and on the PC. Thanks again