fryke Moderator Staff member Mod May 18, 2003 #2 According to what I've heard we'll see a final version by WWDC. No Beta 3 needed.
U unkn0wn geezer Registered May 18, 2003 #3 There are still a few errors that, despite feedback, they have failed to rectify.
wtmcgee Registered May 18, 2003 #4 a lot of the issues that have problems have been fixed, they just were not included in the latest beta. i'm not sure exactly what you are referring to though, so your issue could still be up in the air.
a lot of the issues that have problems have been fixed, they just were not included in the latest beta. i'm not sure exactly what you are referring to though, so your issue could still be up in the air.
U unkn0wn geezer Registered May 18, 2003 #5 Well, certain div textareas don't scroll, and alignment is poor in places.