Safari Bookmarks


hi -
was wondering if anyone knew how to backup bookmarks in safari - cannot seem to do it
from toolbar / preferences or library
Go into your user folder, then go into your Library folder, then choose your Safari folder. Your bookmarks should be in there. I'm not currently on my computer right now, so I couldn't tell you exactly where it is. If you can't find your Safari folder, run a search for Safari in your Library folder.

If you still can't find it, just let me know and I'll find it when I get home. :)
They are here;

Just option copy the Safari folder to where ever you want to back it up to.
have got bookmarks.plist from safari folder in library but cannot open it - get message that i dont have default app - dontseem to have any app that will open it or am i missing something!
any ideas ,
Just backup the "bookmarks.plist", or the whole Safari folder. Why would you want to open it?
You can open it with the application "Property List Editor". I think it's installed along with the developer tools (a seperate CD that come with Mac OS X).
But it doesn't look like any "normal" bookmark list. Traditional bookmark lists can be read in html. The Safari .plist cannot.