Safari is not as good as the Gecko


Gone !
I prefer the way pages show up in Chimera, ie. in one block after some loading.

When I'm browsing boards with Safari, I am annoyed because the scrolling bar moves all the time, loading new page elements...
... And it's much slower than when Steve used it ! Grr... :( All his webpages were already in the cache...
then don't use it.

it's a public beta, i'm sure we'll see a big jump in performance and features by the time they release 1.0 final.

if you like chimera, use chimera. i think it's great that we're seeing competition with browsers on the mac finally.... MS will most likely try to improve their browser now that chimera and safari are both looking pretty good.
Right, but how do you measure the performance of something over a medium that doesn't guarantee the same performance from one second to the next. To say that it's not as fast as Steve could mean nothing other than Steve had a very fast connection to whereever he was browsing to. The only thing the browser can do is render what it gets quickly, it can't make the bits travel any faster to you.

As for progressive updating, it's a common tactic used by many things to give the appearance of faster performance. It's usefulness depends on the content, most people start reading a website from the top and this is where it really helps since you're not waiting for stuff that you're not evern ready for yet. However there are obviously some sites that either because of content or your familiarity, you want to get to the middle/bottom and having a constantly adjusting scrollbar/screen can be annoying. Most people prefer progressive since it matches the primary use pattern.
Maybe a revolutionary browser could propose a choice to its users between progressive and whole-block rendering then ?
Does anyone know how or if you can set Auto Fill options in Safari? Shame if you can't, I use that feature a lot. IE still does it best IMHO.

So far, after only half an hour, I like Safari a lot, but frankly, dispite all the browser wars on these forums, for my use, they are all about the same. I'll use Safari until I hit a page it can't render or until I can't stand entering info anymore into online order fields.