Safari/ Keychain access/ Server issues


I have had my Mac (iBook) for just over a year and have not hadany problems until recently.

Problem #1

When trying to log onto certain websites using the Safari Browser I get the following Message:
Safari can’t open the page “https://www.*****.ca/index.cfm?action=cust_login&goto=&partner=&t=0” because it couldn’t establish a secure connection to the server “www.****.ca”.
The certain websites in question seem to be sites requiring secure connections eg. internet banking, online retailers etc.

I have done the following to try and fix the problem:
Reset Safari
Enabled Plugins, java, Java Script & Accepted Cookies
Download most recent version of Safari
Reinstalled OSX Software.

I can access these sites witht netscape or explorer but the problem persists with Safari.

Problem #2

When trying to access the iTunes music store I get the following message:
iTunes could could not connect to the Music Store. The requested keychain was invalid. Open Keychain Access and run Keychain First Aid, then try again.
I have done this multiple times and there does not seem to be any change. I have repaired my keychain and does not find any problems.

I am not sure if these isues are related but I can't seem to find any answers online and I am getting frustrated!!!

Any help?
