Safari v78 GM


Just saw it on the net, restricted beta testing hasn't done its job. It's labled GM too
it may have not totally worked - but rampant downloading of the program isn't happening like it was a few months ago.

i haven't been looking - BUT, i don't see a link to it in every thread of every mac forum i visit now.
I think Aple might quite like the flattery though, gets people talking. I bumped into by accidnet, purely chance, but I think as the day goes on, it'll be making its appearance, wonder what's new.
When you introduce such a thing aas tabbed browsing, you should expect rampant downloading. I do not think Apple suffers from this type of piracy. Pirating a free product, I mean, give us a break. On the contrary (I agree with SGX), it shows how Apple people are fanatics indeed ;)
yup, me too, but then another person saying it was genuine, god knows, havent tried it yet.
yeah, it's fake... it doesn't have any of the CSS problems fixed that surfin safari claims, and it just says "Safari (Gold Master) as the application name. they didn't even remove the little bug button for pete's sake... you'd think a GM wouldn't have that. it has crashed several times for me in about 10 minutes, so i'm gonna raise the ol' BS flag.

it is a smaller file size, though. =)
a guy over at MacNN downloaded it and said it was so blatently fake, he couldn't believe anyone would actually think this was real.

some of this post:

whoever hacked this (and hacked it poorly, and I hope they're reading this) executed the following errors:

1. Put "(Gold Master)" in the name of the app itself, which Apple never does; additionally, the term, as Apple uses it is "Golden Master";

2. Forgot to change the short version string reporting from 0.9;

3. Didn't realize that if it really was GM, Apple would no longer identify it as "1.0 Beta 3";

4. Added a bunch of random garbage to the About window that would never be there in any real app, test version or not;

5. Damaged the icon resources during the execution of the extremely poor hack.

At best, this is a really, really, sad, lame, and poor hack job, and at worst, could be a trojan. Either way, if I was a lame little warez kiddie, I'd get rid of it.

(FYI, this is just v74 with a few strings changed.)