Safari will not run for me on 10.4 - Help!


Hi all - thrilled with 10.4, but one problem. Safari crashes every time I try to start it. I did an updgrade from 10.3.9. Everything else is great. I tried deleting my prefs file and no change. I thought maybe I could download and reinstall Safari RSS, but Apple only has it on their site for 10.2 and 10.3. Help please - this is is driving me nets. Also, it seems Safari is required for changes to Dashboard widgets (assuming this since it runs - or tries to run - everytime I try to tweak with a dashboard widget).

Here is a bit of the report generated with the crash:

Command: Safari
Path: /Applications/
Parent: WindowServer [370]

Version: 2.0 (412)
Build Version: 1
Project Name: WebBrowser
Source Version: 4120000

PID: 427
Thread: 0

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x63384050

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x909ac0f8 objc_msgSend + 24
1 0x00012e10 0x1000 + 73232
2 0x00012ce4 0x1000 + 72932
3 0x00012c78 0x1000 + 72824
4 0x9370d3c0 -[NSTabView selectTabViewItem:]
Just a FYI, I booted off my copied 10.3.9 HD (used Carbon Copy Cloner just prior to the 10.4 upgrade) and guess what, Safair 1.3 crashes on that drive too. Am I looking at a clean install of 10.4 to solve this? I mean, I will do it, but everything else on 10.4 seems solid! G4 1 Ghz DP, 756 MB or RAM.

EDIT. P.S. Hate to say it, but I am a Firefox fan and have not used Safair for months.
karavite said:
Help please - this is is driving me nets. Also, it seems Safari is required for changes to Dashboard widgets (assuming this since it runs - or tries to run - everytime I try to tweak with a dashboard widget).

Can you custom install Tiger (again) from your Tiger DVD? Tiger is working great for me on 10.4. Maybe just a reinstall is needed.
Hi Ghost - I just did a clean install and I think I will stay with this. Remember, Safari is crashing on my 10.3 install, so upgrading that install seems problematic. I might as well just start fresh. P.S. It is AMAZING how much junk I no longer want to keep - files, apps... spring cleaning! :-) No I need to go find files on transfering preferences, mail boxes... man, it will be a long night!
happenned on two machines

drilled down on the DVD (/System/Installs - or something like that) to the Safari package and installed from there with success
karavite: Just don't copy old Safari stuff over from your 10.3 volume! You might end up breaking it again... Keep it clean as is...
fryke said:
karavite: Just don't copy old Safari stuff over from your 10.3 volume! You might end up breaking it again... Keep it clean as is...

Hey Fryke, I am not that hopeless! :-) Seriously, thank you. I am LOVING my clean install. Starting all over with my Mac. Ah, it is Spring, a new OS... and cleaning out all my old junk. I don't know what was up with Safari via the Tiger upgrade and my old system, but that is the past... I'm on to new things with Tiger!
Same prob here, Safari crashes on launch. :confused:

Fixed the Safari problem by replacing it with a copy of Safari from anohter computer running 10.4.

Then I launched Mail. CRASH! :confused:
Unfortunately the same fix did NOT work for this problem. Looks like I gotta do a fresh install rather than an upgrade. This sux! :confused:
I'm sorry others are having the same problem, but glad (in a small way) that at leasy I was not alone and posted a panic stricken thread. I have to say a clean install was the way to go for me though. In a way I am much better off.
I havent had the ability to use Safari fro about 3 months now because it just wouldnt completely open. Here is how I fixed it after repairing permissions, etc... if your using Tiger, just do a spotlight search for SIMBL and choose show all, then, if there are more than one folders/files with that name look at the info on the document and if it is in Application Support, delete it restart Safari and it should be good to go, if not log out or restart the machine and retry. This was the only fix that ever worked for me and Safari has been running great ever since. P.S.-->I'm running Tiger, just so u know. Peace
I am getting the same error. I know it is because I have added some tweaks to my old safari and they are not compatable with the new version, but how do I remove them now? There must be a way to do it. HELP!

KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000001

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 objc_msgSend + 16
1 0x1000 + 58940
2 0x1000 + 58896
3 0x1000 + 57588
4 0x1000 + 56328
5 0x1000 + 56076
6 -[NSToolbarItemViewer configureForLayoutInDisplayMode:andSizeMode:inToolbarView:] + 768
7 -[NSToolbarView _layoutDirtyItemViewersAndTileToolbar] + 684
8 -[NSToolbarView _syncItemSetAndUpdateItemViewersWithSEL:setNeedsModeConfiguration:sizeToFit:setNeedsDisplay:updateKeyLoop:] + 160
9 -[NSWindow _showToolbar:animate:] + 72
I have managed to work out my bugs with Safari and Mail. Safari Extender seems to have been the prob with Safari and SpamSieve was the pob with Mail.

Reinstalling SpamSieve cured the Mail crashing problem and they are now working well together.

Another worker in the office running Fruit Menu had problems and removing the Fruit Menu app solved his problem as well.

My advice would be to bite the bullet and use the "Archive and Install Feature" and just consider it a spring cleaning (after all it IS spring!), your Mac will thank you!
Have you go to use fast switch and test safari to see how thing goes.. If everything look good that mean your preference have bad file.. Mmmm?
It works just on other users, just crashes on mine, so I know it is specific to my user prefs. Just wondering how to fix it without a total Tiger reinstall. Everything else works great!