Safari with Tabbed Browsing?


I was just wondering if anyone knew when Safari is going to get tabbed browsing.

Ive seen pics of it, so it must be in beta. Does anyone know when the next version is expected to come out?
well the version with tabs is out there, just not legally :confused:

Apple should release a legal version every time now, or are they preparing to make a big update and only come out with 1.0?
I don't understand why did Apple not already released a new Safari beta. It wouldn't cost them much and would avoid all this leaking.
There's a simple answer: Apple has released a public beta as a teaser. Next up: Version 1.0. the March update was just because of some very important bug-fixes.

Word is that we'll see the final 1.0 version by WWDC.
in WWDC, as one of the rabbits Steve has to pull out of his cylindar hat. :)

tabs have been since 62/64 .. now the latest out (for devp'.) is 72 (at least), but the last leaked has been 71 ..
Where do you guys find these "leaked" versions? Here you are saying that theres at least a 72, and here I am with 60....
You gots to know somebody who knows somebody that knows somebody and so on :)

or search
hehé bobw.. it took less than 30 seconds to find 71 measured from the moment that i discovered v69 had leaked out. [and i don't use any p2ps] :)
Hey mods, aren't you supposed to give the right example of what to do, hence not pirate leaked software, even if you have the means to ?


PS: Safari v71 is a real pleasure to use :D