Sattalite (Did I spell it right?)


I am thinking o getting Direct PC so I can get a fster connection and it sas two way connection now so i could upload and downlaod right? Also I was lookign through there fair use policyand fpund this
Personal Edition
Service Plans Peak FAP Threshold Off-Peak FAP Threshold* Connections
Executive Surfer 90 MB 120 MB up to 22
Family Surfer Unlimited 169 MB 225MB up to 22
Office Surfer Unlimited 360 MB 480 MB up to 22
so does this mean I wouldn't be able to download big files off of hotline and Carracho such as Rhapsody DR 2?
First off, the spelling is "satellite".

Second, those connection specs seem to be weird. Usually you measure a connection in terms of speed, which would use megabits per second.. or Mbps. When they just say megabytes, that's just weird. You sure that's what it said, and it wasn't Mbps?
Those numbers represent the maximum amount of data you can download in a 1-4 hour period as the web site says. I couldn't find any actual connection speed specs on the site, but with the two-way connection yes you can upload and download via the sattelite, though I highly doubt the upload speed will be anything near impressive.
As a former Sat-Surfer, I have LOTS of advice...

1) Don't use DirectTV. Although I was never a customer, they had a bad rap. I know of some people who use the 2-way (up/down) service, but your upload speeds are no different than a 56k/modem... the same as if you went with a one-way service.

2) Choose a one-way service. Places like offer great customer service. I am a former customer, the guy is awesome, and a great reseller... I highly recommend him.

With one-way service, you still have to subscribe to a Internet provider and use your phone line... however all your downloads come off the dish. Its very cool, and works rather well. Its not perfect, and weather can be your enemy, but it does work. I remember getting download speeds of up to 80k/sec.

They didn't use to support Mac's... so I used a Windows box as a "gateway" machine, and Im sure they support Linux by now... and maybe even Mac. I still have an old setup if your interested.... I'd sell it cheap. :) Maybe even sell a Windows box for use with it?

Check out the newsgroups and take a look at what there is to offer. If you don't have local internet access, the 2-way is probably your only option... but at least with the ONE WAY, even if the Sat fails for a few minutes, you can resort to your "backup" the good ol modem connection. :)
