

I have a umax 600x1200 dpi with 32bit's. I have been wanting to buy a better printer because mine is out dated. I am looking at a all in one with a flatbed 600x120048bit's. Is there a big deff between 32bit and a 48 bit scanner? It also can fax with the right software and the all in one is macosx compatible but i dont think there is a fax software for osx? can any one help?Does any1 fax anything under thanks
I'd go for the 48bit scanner, because I do a lot of design and photography work.

Photoshop goes into this Enhanced mode (actually, a lot of Photoshop stuff gets disabled in this mode) and you can do color corrections to the scans that come out looking rich and smooth when you convert the picture over to 32 bit.

But, if you do not do design or photography work that would get professionally printed, then I guess the other scanner would be ok. (like stuff for web pages, inkjet prints, etc.)

The more, the better (and the more expencive they get). :)

BTW, I recommend Epson! :D
What about the faxing? Any body fax under osx, is so what software do you use? If i have to i am willing to login to os9 to send a fax.