Screen brightness through terminal



I am a terminal novice, but the screen brightness buttons won't work on my ibook G4. Can I use a terminal command to acheive the same control and if so, what is/are that (those) command(s)?
What about using the Displays preference pane? And why don't the keys work? ;)
thanks fryke,

I was hoping for something quicker/cooler than using the pref pane but you are probably right that is my best option. The keys don't work because my wife spilled water on the keyboard yikes!
You probably could whip up something with AppleScript. Maybe some scripts exist already... Wouldn't know, though. Google might. :)
It ain't pretty, and it ain't ideal (you'd need to play around with the delay settings etc. to work depending on the speed of your machine), but you could alias "brighter" to something like:

osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to repeat 50 times' -e 'key code 113' -e 'delay 0.1' -e 'end repeat'
and "darker" to:

osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to repeat 50 times' -e 'key code 107' -e 'delay 0.1' -e 'end repeat'