Screen Cleaning

So my MacBook Pro is notably dirty...there's smudges and fingerprints and what not in various places on my screen.

What's a safe cleaner to use? What works? I'd rather just go out and buy it at a computer/electronics store than have to purchase something online.
i'd just go get an iKlear cleaning kit. i got it for my viewsonic lcd and it works great. and its suppose to be good for an all around cleaner on apple products too. i got mine at frys electronics, but it can be found at comp usa, the apple store, and most other places that sell apple stuff, as well as online.
I've always used the "house brand" spray screen cleaners found at chain office supply stores (Staples, Office Depot) on all my Powerbooks over the years and have never had any problems. I've found those spray cleaners be extremely efficient.
I've also been using their spray cleaners (called "Multipurpose Antistatic Cleaner" at Staples) on the none screen parts of my Powerbooks; it cleans beautifully and neither this spray nor the screen cleaning spray has ever caused any damage to screen, case or keys. And I've always cleaned both screen and case at least once a week without fail.
I just don't see any reason to use the "fancy schmantzy" specialized name brand cleaners, with their rip-off prices.