screen freeze during update to 10.5


screen freeze during update to 10.5 firewire drive:

While updating a 10.4.8 installation on a firewire external drive from a Mini G4 1.43ghz 1G ram the install screen froze leaving the install screen stuck with the installer message stating Aprox. time remaining: 58 min.

No mouse or keyboard response, what's the best way to get out of this pickle with the least chance of complete loss of data on the firewire drive? Hold the restart button? Pull the plug? Turn off the firewire drive?

Urgent response is requested if possible as I am sitting here staring at the thing and don't really want to have to go the hassle of finding an reinstalling all that has changed since my last and long overdue clone updating {:-<

Signed, desperate for a quick response...

Thanks and best regards...sometime6