Scripts...Is this what I need?

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I have a new web-site, and I uploaded my files to the server. Included is a "private" folder. This is where I upload my music so people I'm working with can download the mp3's to their desktop..

I created a web-page ex:

When I bring the web-page up, all the songs are listed, and if I click on one of the songs, it'll open up another web-page, and it'll start playing the song.

What I want it to do is download the file, not play it.

What can I do to make this happen? Is it a script?

I want to make this as easy as possible.

Thanks in advance.
try cntrl clicking the link to the song and then save linked file as. Im not sure if you are allowed talking about mp3 downloads on this forum tho

Thanks for the tip.

It could be about any file. As a writer, I upload my songs for industry executives to download before I get signed for the job. This is one way of doing it.

I thought there might be a script to handle this kind of thing.
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