Scrolling in menus with scroll-wheel


OK, cool–it looks like the scroll wheel on my Logitech 2 button mouse moves a selection line up and down my menus in any application. When I hit Return or Enter, it goes. But how about this: my scroll wheel moves the actual cursor, and then I can click to whatever menu item my scroll wheel stop on.

Eh? Eh?
Looks like if you push the right arrow key it pops out the pop-out menus as well, and you can then select using the scroll wheel there too.

This is a really nice feature, and it's built into the OS. Wow...
It would be nicer if the cursor actually moved with it, 'cause then all you'd have to do is click. Hardly move your mouse at all.
That would be a driver thing for the individual mouse and how confusing would that be to program? Does it then move the mouse when it's just scrolling web pages? how does it know?

What you are seeing is an extension to the full keyboard access which is a nice feature when the batteries go dead in my cordless mousman. Press control F1 to activate it and then control F2 to access the menus by cursor keys (or in this case the mouse wheel). Or control F3 accesses the dock.
I'm going to nab a logitech "thumb ball" two button scrollable mouse from the office (it's all PC here except me and a couple other attorneys and we're unsupported and need to use our compaq's for "real office work.")
Do you think this will work? It's the silver one with red ball and borg-esque LEDs.


I have what they call a state of the art P4 (the newest and fastest in our boston office) and all the complaints I hear about OS X being slow pale in comparison to the sluggishness I experience with this peice of crap.
I have similar experience with school PCs, apb. On certain days of the week, and only very very rarely , it's SHOCKING how fast Internet Explorer is (indeed, all of Windows just moves really really fast), but most of the time (these are 933 P3 systems) it takes 15 seconds to open an IE window. It's completely random, but 93% of the time the computers act like something is crushing them... the login window appears, flickers for a few seconds, stabilizes a bit, the buttons appear... you click a button and the button moves a few seconds later...

It's almost as if you're trying to run Mac OS 9 on a system with 16 MB of RAM and not using virtual memory. Oh, wait, I've already done that and it's faster than this crap.
I don't know about you guys, but on MY scroll wheel mouse, you can press down on the wheel... it's actually a third clicker button. So, rather than moving the actual cursor, how about if pressing down on the scroll wheel selects whatever is highlighted? That would be nice...