SCSI internal Drive Disappeared in Jaguar!


:confused: I have a Blue and White G3, which I loved, that ran perfectly for years. I had two internal drives, both about 6gigs each, one was the default internal drive and the other was hooked up to the Ultra wide SCSI card from which I also ran my Iomega external JAZZ drive. Everything was peachy keen... until I upgraded to Jaguar. As soon as I started up, my secondary internal drive failed to appear and my Jazz drive also failed to appear!!!
The only conclusion I can think of is that, te Ultra Wide SCSI card is no longer supported my the Mac OS. Am I right?
It is rather academic now since I gave up and purchased a G5 tower, nevertheless, it does bug me that I couldn't resolve the issue. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Either the card isn't supported in Jaguar, or the company that produced the card may have an update available for it.
Iomega no longer supports the JAZZ drive I have and I am not sure how to find out who manufactured the Ultra Wide SCSI card I have....