Select the form factor of the iMac generation 3

Select what you think will be the form factor of the next iMac

  • A TV, a cube or a half sphere... (like some old ones...)

  • A full sphere

  • Just a flat screen with wireless link to the keyboard

  • A tablet

  • A pyramid

  • A cylinder

  • An iPod with a projector

  • Something flexible, a "morph"

  • An apple....

  • Or a tree...

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Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Several rumor sites announce a new iMac with a new form factor for Q1/2004, maybe even January... so the game here is to select its form factor.
The iMac is going to be an unobtrusive yet elegant, white plastic object, sitting quietly on your desk, probably with a very simple form factor (Sphere, Cube, Cylinder), possibly with some "legs" for support. It will come with a fully adjustable screen which can be hooked off and used as a tablet, communicating wirelessly through Airport. Obviously they will be delivered with the new wireless keyboard and mouse and the new bluetooth graphics pen, which can be used on any surface as though you always had a graphic tablet with you. The iMac will be slot loading and feature the new dynamic ornamental appearance to provide feedback about the wireless components, as will the tablet/screen. The tablet screen can be also hooked up to the iPod's dock connector. You can combine these and an add-on battery pack for true mobility.
Uh, how do you know that Cat?
It would be soo cool if it was true though, I might just have to sell my year-old iBook :D
I voted for a full sphere... it will be covered in Leathrite and will double as a (very heavy) soccer ball, or maybe a bowling ball. :)

Cat: I'm sure that's where computers are headed. Someday...
The new iMac will be installed directly into the EU cranium and the screen will be projected into a special contact lens fused to your retina. Another iMac that is damn near impossible to upgrade. LOL/
Well, it's wishful thinking, but technically it could all be done. It would cost around $ 3000,- but anyway ...