Sending a DVD signal


Looking for progress
Here's one for all the diehards...

My totally kickbutt Sony DVD player has died...and it will cost more to even find out what is wrong with it than to buy a cheap new one! DAMN!

So here's what I am thinking about trying. I have a Formac Studio DV/TV converter that has S-video in/out jacks. My TV also has S-video in. So I was wondering if anyone thinks it might be possible to play a DVD in my MAC and watch it on the TV with this setup? I don't think the DVD player software that comes with the Mac can accomplish this, although I haven't looked yet. Is there something out there that would? I want to avoid getting a seperate S-video card--in fact, I wont; if it comes to it, I'll just get another (but cheaper) DVD player.

Anyway, here's to hoping someone can come up with something! And here's another to the New Year. May we all get another Mac or two, now lift up yer glass and enjoy yer brew!

<<I'm such a dork!>>

If you can use your TV as a second monitor via the Formac box, you can also watch DVDs on your TV. I don't know if you can set which monitor to use in DVD Player, but if you set the TV as default monitor in System Preferences>Display, the TV will be used :)
That's basically what I am talking about....but the Formac is connected to the Mac via a FireWire connection. So I am not sure of the computer would recognize this as another monitor? Anyone know?

Man, it would be the greatest if I could get this work.

KSV, thanks for the feedback.....

...and apparently I need to preview my posts before I submit english sucks--and it's the only language I know! ;)
all you should have to do is plug the TV in and go to the monitors "control pannel" and click "detect display"... it should now show your tv...
you should click the "mirror" display tab also...