Sendmail and SMPT


I have enabled Sendmail to be able to use a local SMTP (localhost). Thats working fine after some hustle (total UNIX newbie) :D

But as OS X make some fixes of permissions etc. one and a while, I have to restart Sendmail and fix permissions.

Now I want that dun at every startup/reboot but can't find a newbie simple way to do that.

Need some tips folks :rolleyes:
You need to be more specific about what you changed and what OS X changes back. There are probably other ways to do what you need so OS X won't change it back.
OS X changes the permissions, so I have to change them back to:

sudo chmod 755 /

So that Sendmail has the right permissions to work.
Okay. Instead of changing the permissions on the root directory , edit /System/Library/StartupItems/Sendmail/Sendmail and find the two /usr/sbin/sendmail lines. Add:


to each one.
is this right?


/usr/sbin/sendmail -OdontBlameSendmail=GroupWritableDirPathSafe
/etc/mail/ -q1h

and this is whatbI get hen starting sendmail:

sudo /System/Library/StartupItems/Sendmail/Sendmail start
Starting mail services
rm: /var/spool/mqueue: is a directory
Recipient names must be specified

Well first, make sure they are really on one line each. This web site may have split them. Here's what I have, but I may have customized it for myself. I don't think so though.

/usr/sbin/sendmail -OdontBlameSendmail=GroupWritableDirPathSafe -bd -q1h

/usr/sbin/sendmail -OdontBlameSendmail=GroupWritableDirPathSafe -C /etc/mail/ -q1h
I think I better uninstall or reset sendmail and start all over again. It's a mess now I think, but HOW will I do that then??

I would prefere a reset if there is one!
try and download it.
It is a web based stand-alone manager for everything. It is wonderful. just be careful if you are using macosx server because it uses different conf files. I comes with a built in web server and does not interfere with apache. it is perl based. Also has an instalation script and it is very easy to use. I really recommend it.