sendmail errors????


I'd rather be fishin'
Every so often, I notice in the console log a series of errors all with a reference to "sendmail". Can anyone give me a clue what's up? here is a clipping from this afternoon:

Aug 14 03:15:02 localhost sendmail[17477]: My unqualified host name (localhost) unknown; sleeping for retry

Aug 14 03:16:02 localhost sendmail[17477]: unable to qualify my own domain name (localhost) -- using short name

Aug 14 03:16:02 localhost sendmail[17477]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): /etc/mail/ line 81: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': Group writable directory

Aug 14 03:16:03 localhost sendmail[17554]: My unqualified host name (localhost) unknown; sleeping for retry

Aug 14 03:17:03 localhost sendmail[17554]: unable to qualify my own domain name (localhost) -- using short name

I have never tried to set up any sort of mail server, and don't know of any programs that would try to use such a feature on my computer.

PowerMac G4 AGP
1.1GB Ram
OSX 10.1.5
Sendmail is the Unix mail system for mailing logs, info or for other Unix apps to utilise for the purpose of sending mail.

Apple screwed the sendmail daemon (i think it's a daemon), anyway, they screwed up the sendmail installation, so your messages are probably related to the fact that it's screwed:D

If you do a search for -- sendmail OSX fix -- or something on Google, you'll find a fix.