Sendmail not 100% gone in Panther?


So I installed panther.... I've been going through the motions of making sure mysql, perl DBI, DBD::mysql, PHP, etc are working.

Now I read somewhere (ok.. everywhere) that Apple dumped sendmail in favor of postfix. I don't really have strong feelings either way, but I'll admit that I was getting very annoyed with Apple for breaking sendmail with every update.

In any case, I expected sendmail to be gone and that I would have to find little workarounds for my old scripts and website backends.

well, much to my surprise I installed a perl script that the other day that sent an email... and it did it (supposedly) with sendmail. Did I miss something?

I just had a look, and sure enough, I've got a sendmail binary at /usr/sbin/sendmail

Not only that.. I didn't have to do ANYTHING to get it to work (unlike all previous updates).

so wtf.. is it gone or not? is it just gone in the respect that it's not setup as a daemon? is this /usr/sbin/sendmail that I have just a compatibility plug layer for postfix?
The sendmail binary in /usr/sbin is actually installed by Postfix to keep compatibility for scripts that used sendmail before. It really just hands the email off to the Postfix daemon.