Okay. The forum reads 'Mac News & Rumors Discussion'. So a thread about a Security Update is perfectly okay. But creating a thread just stating that a security update has been released is not the right thing. It's just not interesting, really. If somebody knew about the FLAW that it fixes, now that would make for a nice discussion. But this update is *so* UNspectacular that it doesn't really need its own thread.
The opposite is the case with 'real' sytem updates, like for example 10.2.1. People anticipate these updates and threads are created even before the software appears. (Rumours.) And then, when the thingie appears in SU (su would be the Terminal command 'superuser' while SU would be Software Update), everyone is eager to create the first thread about it.
People who need to be informed about software updates should really use versiontracker.com. Access it twice a day and you're set. The list for a day is not THAT long, really, you might need five minutes to go through it, if you care to read about the specific new releases, but you'll spend much too much time if you try to find software updates in a forum like macosx.com.