Serial modem with Macbook?


I have a Macbook coming in the mail, and was hoping it can work with a Zoom external serial modem (PC), since that would save me $50. Ive seen some USB-Serial cables, are they a reasonable solution? Or should I just bite the bullet and buy yet another modem?
I have used a Belkin USB serial adapter only for an old palm VII, and this did not work very well (i.e., it only worked sometimes.) I would not recomend it because even if the adapter works, a serial modem might not be supported. It is best (probably) to spend the extra 20-30 dollars and get the USB modem. It will certainly be much easier, even if the other method is possible.
You would need a driver for that modem - the USB modem Apple makes will run fine with your system since its drivers are already included in the system. But the one you are looking at .. would need to have a driver for OS X.