Ever since I upgraded to X.1 I've had an absolutely hellish time with my AirPort connection.
iBook 600MHz
Graphite Base Station
The basestation is plugged into a LinkSys cable router. I have configured the Base Station with a static IP as well as turned off the option to "serve out" ip to the computers accessing it (I need static IPs for everything).
My iBook has a static IP.
At random time I lose my network connection. Sometimes it happens as soon as I boot the computer and launch IE. Other times it takes hours to happen. I know this has been discussed SEVERAL time but NOTHING has worked. Usually I just have to go into the Network preferences, swich to a different network configuration, click on the Apply Now button, switch back to my normal configuration, and click on the Apply Now butotn again. Unfortuately, since I upgraded to X.2, that no longer works consistantly. Now I sometimes have to open the AirPort configuration utility and rescan for a recognizable basestation. Soimetime it finds it sometimes it does not. It has gotten to a point where it is complete intolerable.
iBook 600MHz
Graphite Base Station
The basestation is plugged into a LinkSys cable router. I have configured the Base Station with a static IP as well as turned off the option to "serve out" ip to the computers accessing it (I need static IPs for everything).
My iBook has a static IP.
At random time I lose my network connection. Sometimes it happens as soon as I boot the computer and launch IE. Other times it takes hours to happen. I know this has been discussed SEVERAL time but NOTHING has worked. Usually I just have to go into the Network preferences, swich to a different network configuration, click on the Apply Now button, switch back to my normal configuration, and click on the Apply Now butotn again. Unfortuately, since I upgraded to X.2, that no longer works consistantly. Now I sometimes have to open the AirPort configuration utility and rescan for a recognizable basestation. Soimetime it finds it sometimes it does not. It has gotten to a point where it is complete intolerable.