Serious Airport Problems


Ever since I upgraded to X.1 I've had an absolutely hellish time with my AirPort connection.

iBook 600MHz
Graphite Base Station

The basestation is plugged into a LinkSys cable router. I have configured the Base Station with a static IP as well as turned off the option to "serve out" ip to the computers accessing it (I need static IPs for everything).

My iBook has a static IP.

At random time I lose my network connection. Sometimes it happens as soon as I boot the computer and launch IE. Other times it takes hours to happen. I know this has been discussed SEVERAL time but NOTHING has worked. Usually I just have to go into the Network preferences, swich to a different network configuration, click on the Apply Now button, switch back to my normal configuration, and click on the Apply Now butotn again. Unfortuately, since I upgraded to X.2, that no longer works consistantly. Now I sometimes have to open the AirPort configuration utility and rescan for a recognizable basestation. Soimetime it finds it sometimes it does not. It has gotten to a point where it is complete intolerable.

I've heard of this problem before, but I'm really sorry to say that I can't remember the solution.

Are you using AOL? If so then all you need to do is go into your AOL preferences and change your "modem" setting to something like "Apple Standard Internal". If you're not using AOL then it does sound like a problem with your Static IP, although I really can't say how to fix that. :(
No. I'm not using AOL. I am using ATT Broadband's Cable modem service.

The really annoying thing is when I physically plug myself into my ethernet network (bypassing AirPort) my connection is rock solid. So it appears to be an issue with the Airport itself.

Anyone have any ideas?
Try searching around here and see if you can find anything on AirPorts, I know I've heard about something like this before. *pounds on head*
First of all, I want to thank everyone for their suggestions. However, I think I have found out what is going on. So far tonight I have had a stable AirPort connection for about two hours. This is what I did:

1. Opened my Network prefpane and removed ALL of the preconfigured settings including the one named "Automatic."
2. Added a new one and named it "AirPort Home."
3. Removed Internal Modem, and Built-In Ethernet from the Show dropdown Menu.
4. Configured the AirPort settings just I normally have done.

So far, that seems to have worked. I will drop another note if it doesn't.
Is this just the network dropping off or has your signal levels been dropping off over time? I know a family member with the same issue with her iBook 500, but it turned out to be a bad coax cable to her antenna from the card. Was a pain to get Apple to realize it was THEIR hardware, since another iBook 500 was having strong signal both in factory condition.
Go to Airport Admin, and add your company to the access list. You will need the airport card number, which can be found in the system preferences-->network. This solution worked for me. I have a desktop, and two ibooks on the basestation, and has worked flawless since.
It was not losing the signal strength. It would just drop the connection. Very strange.

Powermac, I tried what you suggested and it had no effect.

Fortunately, ever since I did what was described in my last post, it has been doing fine (Cross your fingers). I'll give y'all an update later tonight or tomorrow if anything happens.