Seriously considering an excursion into the Dark Side

Ceroc Addict

Engadget has comparison photos of the HP iPaq hw6500 vs the Treo 650:

Based on my fiddling with the snap on thumb board from the previous version of the iPaq, it is very nice (Treo 650 is ok, but cramped).

Even though the hw6500 runs Windows Mobile, I'm still considering getting it. :o

Anyone on this board have good or bad things to say about Windows Mobile vs Palm OS (vs Symbian)?


P.S. If only Apple would release a Newton II and make this thread irrelevant. :rolleyes:
very crappy. iPaqs ONLY work with ActiveSync. very crappy. no idea on macs. did i mention crappy?
I use a Dell Axim and sync up with MissingSync and have never had any problems or regrets moving away from Palm to Windows Mobile. Just my two cents.
Symbian is a nice little OS, but depending on what you want to buy there is a specific interface.
Series 60 UI - tons of apps, but not touch screen, mostly games
Series 80 UI - professional , no touch screen, only two phones have it, not a lots of apps
Series 90 UI - Media based, yes on the touch screen, no apps yet (its new)
UIQ - Touch screen "pda" like - really nice, but most devices that have it are underpowered compared to regular PDAs. I prefer the UIQ over all other interfaces.

symbian was built from the ground up as a mobile OS and it does cell phone stuff really well.

PalmOS - I dont like much so I am biased :p

Windows Mobile - Yes it only does activesync, but with the missingsync you are all set. I have an HTC blue angel running WM2003 SE now. It is OK, better than previous windows mobile OSes, but still requires 2-3 soft resets a week :p

I hope that WM 2005 fixes these issues.

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My only beef with Palm is that their OS was obnoxious to develop for. Programming a PocketPC is almost exactly like programming a desktop app. Plus the tools are free. Took Palm a few years after I'd already invested time in WinCE to make their OS better and the tools free.

As far as general usage, I keep seeing reviews of the non-replaceable internal batteries dying in Palms. The cost to replace it is almost as much as a brand new unit. Majority of PocketPCs have replacable batteries. I have a Dell Axim X30 (the newer slim one not the fatty) and the screen is very nice and better looking than ever. Before this, I preferred Palm screens. But I still have a suspicion that Palms are still easier to see when in direct Sunlight.