Server Admin app can't connect to the server


On my Xserve, the Server Admin app has quit working. It was
complaining that the servermgr_info plugin had failed. Now
Server Admin reports the following message;

There is no server available at the address you entered.

Xserve Dual 1.33GHz G4
Server Admin 10.4.7

I have tried repairing permissions; rebooting; deleting the
server admin preference file; ran fsck; using the FQDN, or the or hostname.local. Nothing works to get server admin
to run again. Server won't run on the local xserve, or from
another machine remotely.

Here are some of the system messages;

Feb 9 14:32:41 digitalarts /Applications/Server/Server Admin: [4120] ServerManager session failed in connect(gradarts.local,,687): 61\n

digitalarts:~ admin$ sudo servermgrd -s 311
Performing performance self test
Testing servermgr_afp
Testing servermgr_appserver
Testing servermgr_dhcp
Testing servermgr_dirserv
2007-02-07 17:11:35.832 servermgrd[27552] Exception in doCommand: ***
-[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value
servermgr_dirserv readSettings error: NIL_RESPONSE_ERR (***
-[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value)
Testing servermgr_dns
Testing servermgr_ftp
Testing servermgr_info
Bus error

digitalarts:/etc admin$ sudo servermgrd
digitalarts:/etc admin$ ps -auxww | grep servermgrd
admin 27756 1.3 0.0 18048 248 p1 S+ 5:23PM 0:00.01 grep
root 27733 0.0 1.1 44832 5596 ?? Ss 5:16PM 0:00.87
servermgrd -x
digitalarts:/etc admin$ sudo launchctl load -w
Password: Already loaded
digitalarts:/etc admin$ Workaround Bonjour: Unknown error: 0

#Start-Date: 2007-02-07 17:03:32 EST
#Fields: date time s-comment
2007-02-07 17:03:32 EST Listening for requests
#Start-Date: 2007-02-07 17:08:02 EST
#Fields: date time s-comment
2007-02-07 17:08:02 EST Couldn't bind to ssl port (311)#Start-Date:
2007-02-07 17:15:27 EST
#Fields: date time s-comment
2007-02-07 17:15:27 EST Couldn't bind to ssl port (311)#Start-Date:
2007-02-07 17:15:47 EST

Thanks for any help if you have seen this problem before.

Charles Myers
Is this all local or is it trying to connect remotly? Have you tried to connect to the Rendezvous name? The DNS name should be used though
The problem is happening both locally on the xserve, and remotely,
using Server Admin from another computer. I tried the IP address,
hostname.local, and the DNS name. I checked the firewall settings,
and there is no firewall setting blocking any addresses.
The server tools work just fine when I connect to our other Xserve, so it
isn't the admin software tools. When I did try that, it said 'nothing to install'.
We are having the exact same problem! Only my sudo servermgrd -s 311 test has been stuck on "Testing servermgr_dirserv" for over a day now. I don't think it's actually doing anything - but no errors yet.

Did you ever find a solution to this problem?
The server tools work just fine when I connect to our other Xserve, so it
isn't the admin software tools. When I did try that, it said 'nothing to install'.

Have you checked the ip number for the system. Is it a static number ? What does happen when you try to access the server by means of the admin application ?

Thx for the extra information, Kees