bootleg Registered May 28, 2003 #1 This is my first post here for help so I hope I explain it correctly... This has always bugged me about OSX; I can't seem to figure out where I can set the default view for Finder to be "List" for ALL directories. Thanks in advance, \\\\ bootleg
This is my first post here for help so I hope I explain it correctly... This has always bugged me about OSX; I can't seem to figure out where I can set the default view for Finder to be "List" for ALL directories. Thanks in advance, \\\\ bootleg
J JeffCGD Registered May 30, 2003 #3 Wouldn't mind having that as a Finder preference myself; as well as being able to set the default column ordering in List view (in my personal case, to "by kind").
Wouldn't mind having that as a Finder preference myself; as well as being able to set the default column ordering in List view (in my personal case, to "by kind").
bootleg Registered May 30, 2003 #4 Well, it's at least good to know that I'm not the only one that feature