Hi ya'll
I'm running on PowerBook os x 10.4 and the situation is this, I need a selfhosted server or well, I want to test setting it up
So I was gonna set up an Apache on PC (yeah..) but why bother when i can use the os x built in one, right?
I got the built in apache running except it won't show html files written with html. It just shows the code. I just wrote a textfile saying ie hello and saved that as a html and it showed ok, but i'd also like to get some code to my page you know
I heard this might be an ISP problem that they won't let me host webpages, could it be? Also trying to share i.e pics i get 403 forbidden error. (don't have permission to access..) this I been told is a Apache module configuration error? I'm also behind a router, 5 comps sharing the connection so how does the ip addressing work in this case? Help appreciated.
And the problem continues..
I read about this Web server X kit and decided to give it a try (http://www.rbsoftware.net/index.php?page=wsxk) Don't know if this is any good? And i can't get the manuals working. Those are in html/php format and show up as messed up code in Safari and Firefox, only way to make some sense is to open it in Adobe illustrator
and when trying to access phpMyAdmin in the location that the program suggests (localhost/...) I get "not located on this server error" I couldn't find too much info about setting up and configuring this app so any config help sure would come in handy..
So basicly what i'm trying to ask here is what's the best way to set up a small server on powerbook, less than 10 users nothing fancy just basic apache with php and mySql and how to get it working trough NAT/router?
Thanks for any help, sorry for the long post
I'm running on PowerBook os x 10.4 and the situation is this, I need a selfhosted server or well, I want to test setting it up

I got the built in apache running except it won't show html files written with html. It just shows the code. I just wrote a textfile saying ie hello and saved that as a html and it showed ok, but i'd also like to get some code to my page you know

And the problem continues..
I read about this Web server X kit and decided to give it a try (http://www.rbsoftware.net/index.php?page=wsxk) Don't know if this is any good? And i can't get the manuals working. Those are in html/php format and show up as messed up code in Safari and Firefox, only way to make some sense is to open it in Adobe illustrator

So basicly what i'm trying to ask here is what's the best way to set up a small server on powerbook, less than 10 users nothing fancy just basic apache with php and mySql and how to get it working trough NAT/router?
Thanks for any help, sorry for the long post