setting up application in X applications list


Apple X11
Fink system-xfree86
OS 10.2.5

I installed xchat with fink. I want to add it to the applications menu in X. I put xchat for the name and command but nothing happens when I click on it.

Any ideas?
Using the absolute path should work, i.e. /sw/bin/xchat instead of xchat. You can find out about the path by executing:
type -p xchat
The Xterm app in Apple's X11 uses the .tcshrc file in you're home directory to tell it where to look for applications. If X11 cannot find an app that you know is there then there is probably a problem with you're .tcshrc file. Try adding the line "sw/bin" to you're file paths in the .tcshrc file. If you don't have this file already do the following in the terminal;

"pico .tcshrc"

This creates the file ".tcshrc" in the pico text editor.

Open another Terminal window and type the following;

echo $PATH

This will give you your current (and likely your default) path. Highlight the path and copy it. In your newly created .tcshrc file (in the first Terminal window) type the following,

setenv PATH [paste default $path here]:/sw/bin/sw/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin

Should work. If you get any wierdness just delete the file by typing (in the terminal app) rm .tcshrc.
