setting up wireless internet?


i recently acquired an imac g4 and i'm trying to put internet on it. right now i have internet on all the other pc's in my house and a router already set up. the guy at bestbuy told me to buy a usb adapter and it'd work.. so i decided to give it a shot, but then the installation cd is for pc's only! does anybody know how i can get it to work? any feedback is greatly appreciated. muchas gracias.
Have you tried just plugging it in? It might work.

Alternatively, look on the internet for a driver to download.

You haven't said what exact model of iMac or USB wifi stick you have!
i have an imac powerpc g4 (the one with the swivel monitor) on osx 10.4.7 and i'm using a linksys compact wireless - g usb adapter (model #wusb54gc)
^i tried doin all of that and still couldn't get it to work. when i click on network it still doesn't recognize anything new. any more suggestions?
{after writing all this, I realize this discussion should be in the Networking forum . . . so the Monitor may want to move it ]
I use a Pismo laptop [G3/400MHZ/OSX10.4 - with upgraded HD[80G] & RAM[1G] I installed myslef :o)
Also: motorola cable modem [ using DHCP via Roadrunner] & a cheap belkin (wireless) router.
my usb adapter is a cheap model [model RT2500] - but I got it working.

I found thru trial & error (& many tears) that many things have to be in sync: for example:
'sharing' system prefs: you must select personal sharing and web sharing even if you aren't really sharing with anyone else. [I only have one computer hooked up and am using router just to keep laptop mobile around my house.]

also, in there is 'internet' - did you select the 'share your connection'?
also: network preferences: did you set up the adapter, does it appear?
do you have wireless usb utility ewhich shows your connection is live? I downloaded 'usbwireless utlity' because my adapter didn't come with any mac support. there are also widgets (like iStat) that'll do this for ya.
network utility (bunled with OSv10.3 or 4 - i forget which) will show you some connection information, but being UNIX-based (i guess) it's something I've been deciphering on miy own (i haven't found a manual yet).
I'm a macuser from v.7, so all this v.10 stuff is like learning windows.

Did you set up your wireless router to see your USB adapter? your router should have instruction on this, PC or MAC - it's not an really OS issue.

Also, I downloaded drivers updating both the usb hghardware and the wireless utility. found these after many searches on this site and
since yours is linksys, you may have all you need - whoops, I should have checked the networking forum before responding - that's where I got started when I was trying to fix my problems.
anyway, there's a bunch of reasons it might not be working - I could write a book. Hope this little bit of information helps alot.
I spent way too many hours on getting this to work and hope I can save someone else the same fate.