Sexual partners, how many SINCE you met "the One"

Sexual partners; How many SINCE you met "the One" ?

  • none

  • 1

  • 2-5

  • 6-10

  • 11-25

  • 25-50

  • 51-over

  • I don't want to answer

Results are only viewable after voting.
i said none. but not after my first "One", he died when i was still a virgin... so "none" after the third One. :D
I think there should be another option: "There has never been 'The One'." That'd be my vote.
2, but both before we got serious with each other. one was someone from before i met her as well. since committing to the relationship - none.
i've had 1 the one, and now i have also a the one.
So that makes two the ones. and my answer to the poll-question in 1.

Hmmm.. I am still young to say that I have met "the one" (since I do not plan on getting married for a while :p).

I will abstain from answering though :) --- someday I might run for president and people will look at these archives and dig up some dirt :eek: lol
Hmm...I'm making a mental note to go through the archives and get all the dirt on you now Admiral...that way you can't get someone to conveniently erase all of it at some later date. ;)

Expect to hear from me in the future. :D

Hmm, I met one I thought was the one, but turned out not to be...does that count? The answer in that case would be 2, for me.
Hey did someone change one of the options? I thought it said "It doesn't matter" for the last choice.
No, this poll has always been "don't want to answer"... I'm not trying to be political correct.
To use the phrase "the one" is a basis for a relationship (marriage) is a mistake. "The one" essentially becomes whoever you marry. The business about getting married to someone and finding out they're not "the one" is just a convenient way of saying you're tired of the marriage and want out.