Share Firewire Drive with NFS


Hi There,
We often have to read files on Firewire disks with our SGI systems. Of course the SGI systems will not read Firewire drives directly so we copy the files onto another system and then read them into the SGI - what we would really like to do is to share the Firewire drives via NFS so that the SGI machines can read the files directly of them.
I shared our Mac's fixed drives to the SGI machines without any problems but just cannot get it to work with a removable drive (Firewire or USB). Does anybody know of a workaround/hack for this - it could save so much time for us that we would try nearly anything.

Small update on this.
I can NFS export Firewire drives if they have an HFS filesystem. Yesterday I was messing around with a disk with an NTFS filesytem on it. So at the moment it looks to me like the issue is with sharing NTFS filesystems - and is perhaps not related to the disk being fixed or not.
