Sharing external hard drive on 2 macs connect by ethernet?



I have an emac with a Lacie 250gb firewire hardrive connected to it. I then have a ibook connected to the eMac by a ethernet connection. I'm using sharepoints software and this has allowed me to look at each of the other mac's hard drives on each mac.

I want to be able to access on the iBook, the external hard drive connected to the eMac. Is it possible to connect to it by the eMac ethernetc link? I've used sharepoint to set up the external hard drive as a shareable folder but it doesn't work.

any ideas?
for what you're doing, you don't need share points. this is done by default when using the mac's built-in file sharing. if you're using the iBook, and you connect to the eMac and you sign in as the administrator, you'll be able to mount any drive connected to the Mac on the desktop of the iBook - even CDs/DVDs that are in the eMacs drive at the time of connect.

try doing it w/out share points.
if i put a cd in the i can connect to that, but i can't connect to the harddrive, it doesn't appear in the options to mount. how can i do this!?
If security isn't an issue, do what Leslye and I do in our home
ethernetlet: log on to the other's machine as its owner. Then
the whole system is available. No Sharepoints required.