Sharing files across different computers


Here's the scenario. I work on a Powerbook 12" and a Linux machine in the office. Is there any way to easily ensure that all the files that I'm working on are both synced? The reason I'm asking is because I've been using plain old SCP (or FTP) to keep the files in sync and this is quite a tedious process.

Is there a better way? Perhaps an automated way that does the sync every evening?
you might want to look into rsync - it will sync up directory trees, transferring only the parts of each file that differ (so it's pretty good at conserving bandwidth, while still making sure every single file is the same).

It can use ssh as its transport, so there's no additional servers to open - all you have to do is make sure both computers have rsync installed. I'm pretty sure it's there on OS X by default.
Yes, rsync seems to be installed in OS X. This sounds like what I'm looking for. Thanks.