Sharing internet over network cable, slow


We have a Mac - Windows network with my MacBook acting as gateway for Internet access. I connect to the Internet by PPPoE through Airport and I share the connection through the cable Ethernet port to my girlfriend's Windows computer.

It used to work like a charm but since we reinstalled Windows on her machine it is very slow. Some things work such as IM but browsing is insanely slow. Pinging IP addresses outside the LAN results in 100% packetloss.

I have tried several things including shutting down the firewall on my machine and installing QoS drivers on her Windows machine figuring it could be due to traffic shaping. I've also updated her NIC drivers but to no avail.

A problem which is probably related is that I can't copy files to her machine any longer. I can connect to Samba resources and they mount as they should but when I try to copy files, the process fails, it says "Zero KB out of..." and Finder hangs. This used to work flawlessly, I even burned files from her SMB mount on to CDs using my MacBook.

Clearly there's something essentially wrong with the network setup but I have no idea what it could be or where to begin troubleshooting.

Please help.
Apparently the network is extremely unreliable. When I ping the machines it goes fast, the response time is as expected but I get packetloss! Packetloss on a LAN! Something fishy is going on...

I'm thinking of replacing the TP cable with a new one but it's strange it could have been damaged since it worked earlier.