Sharing Internet problem - HELP!


Okay, I've read the manual, the forums, and still can't get this to work:
I've got a powerbook receiving the internet via airport, and linked via ethernet cable to a desktop IMac G5 (w/o airport).

What settings do I use on EACH computer to be able to 'share' the internet for use on the IMac?

Thanks for your help.
Lazarus 72
On the Powerbook, check that you've got Internet access OK. Then go into System Preferences -> Sharing -> Internet. Turn Internet sharing on. Share your connection "from: Airport" to computers using "Built-in Ethernet". Then, click Start.

On the iMac, it should then be able to pick up an Internet address automatically and you should be connected fine. If not, check the cable - you may need to use a crossover cable if you are connecting directly between the iMac and PowerBook without the use of a hub/switch.