Sharing Internet with modem-router


Hi...Im troubles again, I was looking some info but nothing seem work. I follow your advices and from other people and I bought a Linksys router BEFSR41 4 port and a 3com hub with 16 ports. My internet provider gave me a SpeedStream 5200 modem router to connect to internet by adsl. network is...

SpeedStream > Linksys router > 3com hub > all machines

The local network work...and I can see the others computers, but the linksys router dont wanna share the internet....if I connect directly the SpeedStream modem to any machine, its works.

I have 6 machines with panther and 2 with jaguar.

can you give a idea?

thanks everybody
Try checking the configs of the router. I believe linksys uses as it's address to change configs. Make sure the DHCP Server is running on it and it is handing out addresses.

Also does the hub have an uplink port? if not you may have to use a crossover cable to connect the router to the hub.
The Speedstream is a Router also?
Two routers, only one can be the DHCP server.
yes...the router have a uplink port (is where Im connecting the hub)

I think that my problem is the router configuration...I have like 5 options to connect internet...but I dont know wich I must choose. internet provider told me that the modem SpeedStreem is router too

How can I set up one to be the dhcp server?

thanks...Im not a network administrator, but Im trying to learn
Try turning off the DHCP server in the links setup page.

Type this in a brpwser;

user name leave blank

password - admin

look for the DHCP server or Distribute IP and turn off or disable, click Apply and close page and see if that helps.
You'll have to check the Speedstream setup and see how it's configured. I can't help with that.
dont worry...I know u re doing the best

the speadstream is connected correctly to internet, but just for one computer...

if I disable the dchp server from the SpeedStream?
If you disable the DHCP server from the Speedstream, then enable it on the Links.
I'm not familiar with ADSL, but you may need to use PPPOE. Someone else here will help.
are you sure you have a cross over cable from the Speedstream to the Linksys? and a cross over from the Linksys to the 3Com hub? it looks like an ethernet cable but it's a special one for this purpose. Which ports did you plug in your cross over cable?
yes..Im sure Im using crossover cables (because I made it)

I gonna try using the same cable that my ISP provide me, but its so short
Someone have a gun????
I dont know what to do

I think I gonna call to some technican...I dont get along with the networks
you should be using regular patch cables for everything from the modem to the router to the computers. Just a note.

Also if you are using DSL. Your router should be set to use PPPoE(over ethernet)
well..I checked every cable, the router...the modem...the hub...

a super expert technican came to here..and he couldnt :p

he said that the modem is broken...but I dont believe him

anyway...thanks to everybody for your help :D
You originally said that if you plugged the modem directly into one of the machines, it works ok. Make sure it still does, then the modem is fine. Next, connect the Speedstream to the Links Router and just connect one machine to the Links Router, don't use the Hub. Only the modem or the Router can be a DHCP server, so I would disable the Server in the modem if possible, if not, disable it on the Links Router and see if things work on that one machine.
mmm....good idea

if I disable the dchp from the modem I need to reset it again and it dont wanna I gonna try with the linksys

I talked with my dsl provider and he made a mistake...He gave me a modem router in place of a modem-bridge, then I just replace the modem and everything is working right now!

Thanks everybody :D

bye bye