Hello, all. I'm new to Macs, newer to OS X, and recently started trying to follow the XCode tutorials. Now that you know me on to my question(s)
. I love this little app shfs ( Maybe you've heard of it? It allows you to mount (via mount -t shfs server:/shared /mnt/server) a filesystem over ssh. Very cool, and the source is pretty small and readable.
Two questions result from this:
1.) Is there anything like this for OS X?
2.) Failing 1.), what is the equivilent of a kernel module in OS X, or would I even need one to write a mount-extension?

Two questions result from this:
1.) Is there anything like this for OS X?
2.) Failing 1.), what is the equivilent of a kernel module in OS X, or would I even need one to write a mount-extension?