Shockwave for X is out!!


I don't know how I missed it but I didnt see anything about it here... Macromedia released Shockwave for X the 16th.... did anyone realize this? I didn't. Sorry if this is old news...
maybe you missed it by not checking out other forums

could this be it? ;)

i'm guessing you weren't the only one so it doesn't hurt to repeat. my bitch is that it ONLY installs it to ie. what a buncha....
Actually, Ed, it doesn't. It installs the plugin into the "Internet Plug-ins" folder in either

/Library/Internet Plug-ins

or the "Internet Plug-ins" folder inside your home directory

/Users/yourusername/Library/Internet Plug-ins

This way, any browser that is intelligent enough to use this plug-ins folder will be able to use Shockwave, and apparently this includes Netscape and Opera. Now if only OmniWeb would use it...
thanks simx. the installer says it installs into internet explorer and has a check mark next to it like that is the only choice for it to work. i wonder if it works with my icab. probably not still.
sheesh... what took these macromedia dudes that long? anyhoo, works quite well with IE, netscape doesn't recognize text input, omniweb doesn't recognize it all and in opera it's way too slow.
At least in the case of the beta of the Flash 6 player for OS X, OmniWeb recognizes it very well. I was able to go to with that Flash plugin installed.
Give OmniGroup some time, eh? There never was the Shockwave Plugin for any operating system they've coded for before...

But hey, finally I'm on Habbo Hotel again. ;) Albeit through IE for the time being.