Shockwave3D player for OS X!?


poptart villain
are you telling me that there is no Shockwave3D (8.5) for Mac OS X!?

please tell me that I'm missing something.
Er.. sorry if this sounds stupid, but what is a Shockwave3D? The Shockwave Flash player plugin is preinstalled in IE 5.1 in just about all final versions of 10, I believe.

But if there's a program named "Shockwave3D," I've sure never heard of it.
Well, I dunno about this one. Sounds like OS X isn't supported.. yet. Write to Macromedia and complain.

If you have the OS 9 plugin file, you may try to drop it in the IE 5.1 Package's internal plugin directory, like someone else did with the Flash player plugin, I believe. It may work, I guess it's worth a shot. Check out the newer posts and see if you can find the thread I was talking about. Good luck!