Should I erase and install?


Hi All,
I am considering an erase and install option for my powerbook g4. I am running tiger over 10.2. I'm not having any issues, except a little sluggishness and some quirks with safari. I basically want everything to be really clean, so I was thinking an erase might be a good antidote. Of course, i have everything backed up. I have read a lot about this being a drastic option, so I'm wondering what kinds of problems I might encounter that would ruin my life. :eek: and what precautions I should take. I know that I should reintall the initial os before upgrading, but are there any other things I should be aware of?
basically, if you start on a good foot, and keep relatively good practices, then you you should never have to clean re-install.

however, if you feel that there are too many nuances left over from preious bad habits that you would rather not have, then a clean install with get rid of all these.

the main reason for not wanting to erase and install ever is the 3ish days of downtime as you get everything back on top again (back-up's reinstated, apps installed, preferences modifyed and customised... basically getting the computer to how it was before the erase...)

there's is nothing detrimental about doing this, it's just a pain in the arse afterwards.
I know that I should reintall the initial os before upgrading
Only if your Tiger disc is an upgrade disc, otherwise you're better off installing Tiger fresh, not upgrading a previous system.
I'm with Lt Major Burns on this one. Erase and Install is pretty much the nuclear option. It is not something that you do unless your system is totally fouled up. If you use common sense, you should never ever have to do it.
It's not exactly a bad option either...

I erase and reinstall once every couple months just to keep things clean, not that I really *need* to, just because it *feels* good.

Also, I think 3 days'ish is a bit much. It usually only takes me two hours.
Thanks everyone,
BobW- I'm not sure I follow you. My version of Tiger is an upgrade, and my comp shipped with 10.2. When I spoke with a tech at apple, he said I should reinstall the original disk before upgrading. Are there other opinions on this?
Try running some basic maintenance on your Mac to eliminate sluggishness and flakiness. Onyx is a good program for that.
If your Tiger disc is just an upgrade disc, then you'll have to reinstall from the original discs first.
i wasn't aware that Tiger Upgrade discs existed. i mean, all Tiger disks are technically upgrades, so your tiger is the same as mine.

can you take a photo of your tiger disks? (then use or similar to upload them to use on this board?) so we can see them and make an assessment from there?