Should I let someone do the boot camp for me?


I'm not really good at computer, all i do is search and download stuff. I just order macbook. I was thinking of asking my teacher on computer to install it for me. My question is do I need to have windows xp? And also does it split the mega bytes on windows and mac? Or they share the same mega bytes? I mostly download stuff on windows so I want to have more space fow windows. And also can I install boot camp anytime? or does it have to be install the first time you use your macbook? Please help Im scared to do anything on my macbook not knowing this stuff.

First, you can go ahead and use your macbook, as you can install bootcamp at anytime. Make sure to download the latest version of bootcamp from the apple website.

It would really depend how comfortable you are with computers. Bootcamp does come with pretty detailed instructions. I would say for someone completely new to computers would probably want help, but for those that have installed any program before, and burnt a cd, should be able to do it by following the instructions.

You will have to a) have your own copy of windows xp and b) have to dedicate MB's between the two operating systems. It will depend on what you plan on doing on the windows side of things for how much you want to dedicate to it, I think the minimun is 5 GB, I would probably put at least 10GB, but I wouldnt use it for much, so you may want more.

Remember, that while you are using Windows, you are open to the same virus and problems that any other windows user would have. Mac has a lot of alternatives to most programs you can get for windows, I recommend checking those out first before going over to the windows side (enjoy the fact you have a mac!) :)

Hope this helps!