Should I run a 10.2 beta?



I have an iBook that I use at home mostly for surfing the web, reading email, and some java programming projects that I do for fun.

My main issue is that it's too slow. It's well known that web surfing on these iBooks is much slower than what a PC notebook can do.

Anyway, I don't have the 10.2 beta but I imagine that I could find it somewhere. Should I get it? Will it crash too much? Will it break tons of software?

If you've tried it, please let me know how it works for you.

I would not dare on anything less than a G4 (AltaVec) with a rocking video card... Jaguar relies heavily on the video card to speed things up... but if you don't have that then it will just be slower...

At least that's my understanding... since I don't actally have it...
I don't know if I would recommend running it on your main partition/drive just in case something goes wrong. I have had it for almost a week, and nothing bad has happened to my computer.

I don't have a supported vid card, but it's a lot faster for me. I do have a G4 though, so I can't say that it would be faster for you or not.
Just an FYI, I have a 500 iBook with the same specs as yours and I put jaguar on it.. I really didn't see too big of a difference. It really seemed the same as 10.1.4, I hear the 600 MHz + people see a difference though, I guess because of the faster bus and such.
One other thing to consider...
on the "I Agree" page [or the readme or somewhere on the install cd], it says that you will not be able to ugrage your system from the preview of Jaguar to the real version of Jaguar / 10.2. So you will be stuck formating your drive when the real version comes out.