should I upgrade from G3/800 to a G4/867?


I currently have a 12" 800 mhz Ibook, and am thinking about upgrading to the 12" powerbook.

Am I going to experience a huge speed increase? I know that it also comes with DDR memory, but will the speed increase be worth spending the extra $$?

Any comments would be helpful...

Originally posted by JFlynn
I currently have a 12" 800 mhz Ibook, and am thinking about upgrading to the 12" powerbook.

Am I going to experience a huge speed increase? I know that it also comes with DDR memory, but will the speed increase be worth spending the extra $$?

Any comments would be helpful...


You will notice a speed increase but not that much... However, in some apps that are customized for G4's Altivec you will notice a huge increase but only in these kind of apps... During normal every day work maybe you will not notice the speed increase that you may expect from G4/867 because of the lack of L3 memory... But then again it has more RAM than you iBook...

However, if you ask me it is much better computer the 12" aBook because you will get:
-A somewhat faster and surely bigger HD
-More and faster RAM
-In some areas faster graphics but not better looking ones :rolleyes:
-Airport Extreme ready
-Even smaller size and lighter than your iBook

One big negative that aBook has VS iBook is the heat... Me, I don't care but many people out there seem to hate this fact!

If you ask me the 12" aBook is a lot better computer and personally I would chose it over the current 15.2" 1GHz that I have and if you can afford it, go for it BUT add more RAM... Especially if you can take it to the max (640MB over 256MB which is the standard config) or even at 384MB... OS X performs much better with more than 256MB of RAM and I think we all know that 256MB for OS X is just the minimum no matter if it runs with 96MB only :rolleyes: :) :D ;)
I never can 'get' why people have to upgrade their machines to the latest and greatest every four months. You must have a bottomless pit[ of income!
Having said that, I personally wouldn't upgrade because the speed difference you see isn't (for me) a deal breaker. For that speed you will also pay dearly in battery life.
I would say wait for another six months to a year then upgrade when Apple releases a 12" PB running at 1.42 GHz.

My two cents! :)
ohhh, I didnt think about that one....
What is the battery like in the g4 book vs the g3 book? I really like getting about 4 hours out of my ibook, especially when I have to go straight from school to work, with being able to leave my power adapter plugged in at home.

Also, I definently dont have a bottomless pit of income, I would have to sell the ibook, and then scrounge up money to pay the rest...
Originally posted by JFlynn
ohhh, I didnt think about that one....
What is the battery like in the g4 book vs the g3 book? I really like getting about 4 hours out of my ibook, especially when I have to go straight from school to work, with being able to leave my power adapter plugged in at home.

Also, I definently dont have a bottomless pit of income, I would have to sell the ibook, and then scrounge up money to pay the rest...

The battery in that G4 aBook can go up to 3 hours doing whatever! DVD, games, whatever... If you'll use it for the internet, writing documents, etc. it can go even more! If you don't think that your iBook is slow for whatever you are doing with it now, the advice of Dlloyd is the best! ;) Wait at least a year or so... :rolleyes: :D :p ;)