LOL Dusky! ... Sorry mate, she's the oldest of the Crop! Trip ... haha, i'll look forward 2 see'in the pics... altho mind it in the bush, its cold, wet 'n' all... ... and mind the leaves don't obscure the pics!
Man... this just ain't fair! Not everyone has one of those to post a picture of!
Namely ME! lol
But I think I'm beeing set up with someone a bit younger than me by - get this, her mom!
Well, at least her mom already likes me - but I donno about blind dates/setups.
I have a Hotty (How I got her is beyoned me) but anyway I cannot show a picture because she also is a member>>>>I will be on the couch in 2 seconds flat
she's a member? LOL, Well, WHOEVER You are ... we ask your permission ... please, can we have a pic?!... we'd love 2 see Langley beaten 2 a pulp, but i am feelin' generous 2day, and so we'd like it all 2 run Smoothly!
Giaguara ... Yea, i meant ya gurlfriend / wife or whatever, not ya dream gurl!
giaguarra - it's ok, if you want to show us your girl, you can.
langley - how about a pic of both of you? then she can't completely complain. better yet - whoever langley's Gf is, why don't you post a pic of the 2 of you?
but then i should talk - i'll post pics of me no problem but i feel very uncomfortable posting pics of others close to me, especially without their permission. so i understand where you're coming from langley.
hey, i make no assumptions about anyone's sexuality. and even fewer judgements. so unless it's spelled out in english, i tend to expect anything in today's world.
(i'm sure if i understood your sig and geek code i would probably have to edit it )
i notice though ... most of the times i start to talk about unix and then say i don't like girls or that i have / had a bf they look like i was a gay... :-/ "what, you are a girl?"
Giaguara, I keep getting errors with your code on the decoder, so I've tried to edit it to stop getting the errors... but it does not seem right afterwards...
This is my verson of your code - look at this and tell me if that's right:
Version: 3.1
GAT/IT/FA/CA d-+ s+:--(---) a?! C+++(++++) ULAS*+++$($$$) P(+) L+(---)
E(++) W+++ !N- !o+(!) K? !w++ O? M+++$ V- PS+ PE? Y+ PGP+++ t+ 5- X- !R
!tv-- b+ DI- !D G++++ e+++ h*@ r?@ x++*?