silly income tax


Recycle Me!
Hey, does anyone know like, how the whole income tax / tax return system works, like, really well? I have an interesting situation..... (don't worry, it's nothing that can't be discussed online)
simple, uncle sam comes and points a gun at your head and takes your hard earned cash :p

Its kinda silly how we pay 1/3 of what we earn and this country was founded to prevent unfair taxation. urgh!
well yeah there's that.. lol.. see i'm arguing with my father about my tax returns - apparently he'd been stealing them for a while, and i want them back, but he's saying they don't belong to me... i know they do, but i'm looking for more facts to solidify my argument... heh
1. how old are you?
2. were you paying for them to be filed, or was he?
3. does he claim you as a dependent?
4. remember, he is your dad and thus is entitled to some of your money. (he did feed and clothe you while you were a child, right?)
lol :p
dad shmad :p id he did not want to feed and clothe he should have kept it in his pants :p lol

on the mroe serious side, most years, before I got a full time job either I did not file (cause I did not make enough) or my father claimed me. This year I did my own taxes since I made almost as much as my father makes (lol who's cool now ? :p) and I got one of my returns.

my advice is file separatelly and dont let him claim you if you feel strongly about it. If you are young, (i.e. less than 22 and still feeding off your parents with no full time job) just let it slide ;)
