Similarities between Microsoft and a toilet ...

the "iLoo"??

Microsoft sympathizers were critical of Apple for the naming of their iLife suite... now microsoft goes and does it now :D
Whoa. Now you know that M$ has waaay to much free money. Must have been fun QA'ing that product.

BTW, what's up with the "plasma" screens? Does that imply that they'll be larger than 19" (and thus the reason for not going with "standard" lcd).
lol Gia!

I can't believe this. This sounds like an SNL skit or something. I'll never make fun of the iWalk again!

(Hands a wet-wipe to everyone on the boards. Make sure you all wash up real good now.)
It will create new jobs, however, so it might not be too bad an idea;)


  • 6supertoilet.gif
    33.1 KB · Views: 54
Originally posted by mightyjlr
who the hell is going to want to touch those keyboards and mice?

Completely with you on this one... I feel dirty just thinking about it. It's using windows.

Oh yea, and the fact that it's in a bathroom is mildly discusting as well :confused:
I think i'm going to be sick...
[goes over to the washroom and vomits in his iLoo!]
Interior Themes
The inside of the iLoo will be covered with liquid video screens so that you can customize the look of your bathroom. Comes with the flowing preloaded themes:
  • Redmond field - looks like your toilet is in the middle of a field
  • Japanese - looks like you are in a japanese building
  • Plastic (default) - looks like you are in a port-a-john
  • Brushed metal - looks like everything is stainless steal (M$ always copies Apple)
  • South American - Added feature: the water flushes counter clockwise
Customizable Sounds
Various functions of the iLoo can have sounds associated with them.
  • Flush sound
  • Start up sound
  • Applause for if you don't pee on the toilet seat
Help Screens
At Microsoft we want to make your waste disposal experience as pleasant as possible, so we have included several help screens to assist you.
  • Instructions on how to urinate and defecate
If you need further assistance, or simply get lonely in the bathroom, we have created a digital companion: the iLoo assistant
  • Toilet with a face (default)
  • Bathroom attendant - can be male or female
  • Roll of toilet paper with eyes
Accessibility Options
Microsoft is aware the some people need larger bathrooms than others and we had those people in mind when we created the iLoo, so we included several accessibility options
  • Customizable size: adjusts for short or tall people
  • Asks you if you are alright if you sit on the toilet seat too long
  • Screen saver
At Microsoft we are always looking for ways to make your bathroom experience more enjoyable, so we've added some unique games to the iLoo for your entertainment.
  • Toilet simulator 2003 - drive an iLoo around
  • Target practice - see if you can get it in the hole
  • Sim Toilet - The sims get an iLoo
iLoo Messenger
One of our goals at Microsoft is to incorporate MSN Messenger into everything we make, so we have created a special version of MSN Messenger especially for the iLoo. While the first release will be very basic, future upgrades will include:
  • Video Chat
  • Send-a-smell
While we haven't completed our frequently asked questions section yet, here is a list of questions we will be answering in the near future.
  • Is there a "start" button?
  • What is the difference between "flush" and "download"?
  • I though backup was a good thing.
  • Will there be an undo?
  • What exactly does it mean to send "feedback" to Microsoft?
  • What is the difference between iLoo Home and iLoo Pro
  • What does it mean "I P conflict"?
Known Issues
Microsoft currently has a list of known problems with the iLoo system, while we can't promise that they will be resolved before the fist products ship, we will are working on solving these issues
  1. The iLoo occasionally gives a "disc is full" error which can only be resolved by completing a core dump
  2. The iLoo occasionally has error with "TP.exe" running out of memory
  3. Failure to run check disc will result in a stack overflow problem
  4. Beta testers have reported that the iLoo gives a "brown screen of death" if the iLoo falls over
  5. Failure to put down the toilet seat results in an illegal operation error
  6. Failure to wash your hands will result in an improper shutdown message
  7. If the iLoo crashes with an occupant, the user is locked inside
Hey, I want the startup and shutdown voices to flushing ...

And I will enjoy sending feedbacks to M$!!! :D